Cherishing Life & Special Moments - Our 'Why'


Isolation has us in a reflective mood. We’ve always known why we love doing what we do, but the global event that we are currently experiencing, that is forcing us all to stop, reflect and take stock of our lives has really made us hone in on the feelings and meaning behind what we do and why we do it.

It is easy in our fast-paced, digital, 21st-century world to, without even realising, disconnect from what is real, from what it is to be alive and to live on this beautiful rock that our ancestors named ‘Earth’.

When you strip back all that is manmade, all that is material, all that is excess to our needs, what we are left with is truly miraculous. What we are left with is that which we are blessed to experience, to be a part of, for our few moments we are here. All of the intricate, wonderous details that go into creating the earth and its creatures is nothing short of incredible.

Recognising our finite time here, appreciating what it is to be alive, and connecting on a deeper level with our surroundings and those we have the pleasure and honour to share it with is our ultimate priority in life, and helping others do the same is our mission and our privilege.

Tell the person you love that they complete you. Hug the relative you don’t often get to see, celebrate your loved one’s achievements and milestones, thank those who bring joy to your life and do your best to bring joy to others.

Grasp those real moments of connection with both hands, open your soul and soak up every single second of them. That is where life’s true happiness lies. That is what we want to be a part of. It’s why we do what we do, to help people make memories and enjoy special moments with their friends and families.

Well, take care friends, make memories where you can and cherish the moments within this strange time that can bring you peace and joy.

Jade & Nick x


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